call me apricot ! i'm 30 and a librarian. :^)
my time is spent thinking about OC's or other little dudes i hyper fixate on.
i love drawing/writing my own stories, sometimes as comics or visual novels !
i really really love old, dark, foggy forests ❤
sometimes i make stuff, check out my links !!
they/he pronouns please !
Ko-Fi YCH comms = OPEN !

it's... mostly video games... bolded ones are stuff you'll see me talk about more often atm

Final Fantasy
"Tales of" games
Twisted Wonderland
Kingdom Hearts
Kid Icarus
Square Enix games
Metal Gear Solid
Star Trek (i love DS9)

Fire Emblem
Granblue Fantasy
Sengoku Basara
Legend of Zelda
Xenoblade Chronicles
SMT Games
Devil May Cry
Nitro+CHIRAL vns
Kamen Rider
In Stars and Time

plus whatever else strikes my fancy bc i'll randomly draw things
or talk about things bc that's what we all do lol

i make things then post them on websites


m!Corrin from fire emblem fates is my favorite favorite character in the world !!!!
he is everything to me !!!! (he is also lovey dovey married to Niles)
please please don't be mean about him at me or on my art </3

☆ very honorable mentions ☆☆ G'raha Tia - Haurchefant Greystone - Zack Fair - Genesis Rhapsodos - Prompto Argentum - Noctis Lucis Caelum - Cecil Hardy - CHOCOBOS [Final Fantasy]
☆ Flamebringer - Broca - Tequila - Shalem - Qanipalaat - Sesa - Pallas - Vigil - Puzzle [Arknights]
☆ Ike - Lif - Yuri - Kyza - Byleth [Fire Emblem]
☆ Nehan - Lucifer - Cerberus [GBF]
☆ Raiden [Metal Gear]
☆ Towa, Konoe, Mink, Bardo [N+C]
☆ Mamegomas

☆ just some heads up ! ☆☆ you may use my art for icons/headers WITH CREDIT just don't edit them.
that said, do not repost my art even if it is properly sourced!
☆i draw fanart but mostly i draw my OCs! if you're here expecting one thing, well, sorry pal ! speaking of OCs, check out my Toyhouse ! :3☆ my discord is private and i will only give it out if we vibin' (even if we are in similar servers this still stands)☆ i kindly ask you to not tag my fanart as kin/etc thanks (and you should know better to not do it to my ocs either)☆ i won't talk to you and don't talk to me if ur transphobic/homophobic/terf or like incest/cp/shota/loli

i'm always working on something else ! i feel insane